
Industry News

Designers Lighting Forum to Host LEDucation III on March 11, 2009

The Designers Lighting Forum of New York (DLFNY), with the support of the New York Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IESNY), is presenting a special program on LED technology…

11% Reduction in Nonresidential Construction Predicted in 2009

As the overall economy continues to struggle, nonresidential construction spending is expected to decrease by 11% in 2009 in inflation-adjusted terms, according to the AIA Consensus Construction Forecast. This semi-annual…

Builder Confidence Remains at Record Low in December

Builder confidence in the market for newly built single-family homes held at a record low in December as deepening economic turmoil, a deteriorating job market, and an ongoing flow of…

2/3 of Construction Companies Planning Layoffs

An estimated two-thirds of the nation’s nonresidential construction companies are planning to cut their payrolls, according to new employment and business forecast figures released by the Associated General Contractors of…

DOE Establishes ASHRAE 90.1-2004 as National Energy Standard

ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, has been established by the Department of Energy as the commercial building reference standard for state building energy codes…

Cree Announces Volume Availability of 2×2 LED General Lighting Fixture

Cree, Inc. has announced the volume availability of the LR24, a 24-inch square recessed LED general lighting fixture. The LR24 is intended for suspended-ceiling applications traditionally addressed by linear fluorescents,…

USGBC Reaffirms Commitment to Developing Green Building Code

The U.S. Green Building Council recently reaffirmed its commitment to the development of Standard 189.1P, which will be America’s first National Standard developed to be used as a green building…

Annual Rate of Construction Valued at $1.08 Trillion in November

The U.S. Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce recently announced that construction spending during November 2008 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1,078.4 billion, 0.6% (±1.6%)…

Study Captures Daylighting’s HVAC and Lighting Energy Savings Impacts

Daylighting is recognized as best practice in energy codes and industry standards due to its documented positive effects on worker satisfaction and performance and potential to generate substantial energy savings.…

GE Debuts Incandescent-Shaped CFL

Miniaturized electronics developed by GE Consumer & Industrial engineers and scientists are the enabling technology of a new covered GE Energy Smart CFL featuring the GE Spiral® CFL inside the…


LEDucation 2025
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
IES25 – The Lighting Conference
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