Dark Sky

Dark Sky

Arguments Against 180 Degree Cut-Off For Street & Area Lights

The September 2023 issue of LD+A has an interesting article arguing that a 180-degree cut-off for street and area lights is an inadequate requirement. The article is written by Thomas Paterson, who lays out the following arguments for a tighter beam cut-off angle, such as 150 or 120 degrees: Tolerance – A 180-degree cut-off doesn’t [...]

Dark Sky, Research

New DarkSky State Of The Science 2023 Report Released

Last year, I wrote about the release of the first Artificial Light At Night (ALAN): State of the Science Report 2022, available here. DarkSky (formerly the International Dark Sky Association – IDA), has now released an updated version of the report titled Artificial Light At Night: State of the Science 2023 Report. It is a [...]

Dark Sky, Lighting Industry

Declining Fireflies, Another Sign Of Bugpocalypse

  Have you noticed a decline in fireflies this Summer? I have, but so have scientists. Nearly 1 in 3 firefly species in the United States and Canada may be threatened with extinction, firefly experts estimate in a recent comprehensive assessment. Surveys abroad show declines from mangroves in Malaysia to grasslands in England. New research [...]

Dark Sky, Legislation + Regulation

Bill Aims To Reduce 230,000 Bird Deaths Annually From NYC Building Collisions

  A new “Lights-Out” bill has been proposed in NYC’s City Council to reduce migratory bird deaths. The bill would require many privately-owned commercial buildings to reduce light at night. NYC Audubon estimates that 230,000 birds die annually in collisions with windows and brightly lit facades. The bill wouldn’t apply when people are in buildings, [...]

Dark Sky, Research

How Light Pollution Disrupts Plants

  A lot of research and attention has been given to how light pollution negatively impacts birds, bats, other animals, and insects. Less well known are the negative impacts of light pollution on plants. Most people have seen now bright lights at night attract moths. This can significantly change moth behavior. Artificial light at night [...]

Dark Sky

Three New DLC Resources To Fight Light Pollution

The DesignLights Consortium (DLC) has been busy creating resources to fight light pollution. Here are three recent examples: Seven Strategies to Minimize Negative Impacts of Outdoor Light at Night. This whitepaper provides an overview of the types of light pollution that affect outdoor environments. It has high-level information for energy efficiency program staff, contractors, distributors, [...]

Dark Sky, Legislation + Regulation

National Dark Sky Law Proposed In New Zealand

A group of dark sky advocates in New Zealand is actively advocating for a national law to promote dark skies and reduce light pollution. They recently published a document explaining dark skies and making the case for a national law in New Zealand. This month they launched a parliamentary petition to advocate for national legislation [...]

Dark Sky, Legislation + Regulation

DLC Compiles Outdoor Lighting Ordinances Across The US & Canada

The DLC compiled a list and interactive maps of locations with published outdoor lighting ordinances to mitigate light pollution. These maps show states, provinces, and cities/towns, throughout Canada and the U.S., with outdoor lighting ordinances. States and provinces shaded blue have a statewide/provincewide policy. The round markers indicate cities, towns, and counties with an ordinance. [...]

Dark Sky, Energy + Environment

Federal Government Develops Window Film To Prevent Bird Collisions With Windows

It has been well documented that artificial light at night (ALAN) can disorient birds and increase bird collisions with buildings, especially windows. The reflectance of windows can lead birds to not realize that windows are solid objects to be avoided. New window film developed by the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) can prevent deadly bird-window collisions.

Dark Sky

Impacts Of Nighttime Lighting On Ecosystems & Wildlife

The DLC has released a recording of their March webinar about the Impacts of Nighttime Lighting on Ecosystems and Wildlife. They’ve also printed a summary of the webinar information on their website.


IES 24 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
American Lighting Association Annual Conference
SALC IES – Street & Area Lighting Conference
DLC Controls Summit
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