Residential Lighting Series presented by PG&E

March 25, 2024, San Francisco CA: Clifton Lemon Associates today announced that California’s Pacific Gas & Electric Company will present a series of 3 webinars on the design and implementation of residential lighting and lighting controls.

Residential Lighting for Beauty, Comfort and Efficiency – April 5, 2024 (9am – 12pm)

Designing Residential Lighting Controls – April 26, 2024 (9am – 11am)

Implementing Residential Lighting Controls – May 3, 2024 (9am – 11am)

These introductory and intermediate classes for residential designers, electrical contractors and others in the building industry cover design, specification, and installation of specification of lighting and lighting controls that are energy efficient, beautiful and code-compliant.

David Wilds Patton

David is an award-winning independent lighting designer based in the Bay Area for the past thirty years. His work is primarily focused on residential design. Along with a small group of other practitioners, he has been actively attending California Energy Commission meetings and participating in comments on Title 24 and lighting codes since 2005.

Clifton Stanley Lemon, IES

Clifton Lemon Associates is a consultancy providing strategic advising and education to the lighting and energy industries. Clifton was the Program Director for the LightSpec and Strategies in Light conferences and Marketing Communications Manager for Soraa. He is the co-author of Beautiful Light; An Insider’s Guide to LED Lighting in Homes and Gardens and a past President of the San Francisco Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society.

Register here for the free webinar series. Note: You must create an account in order to register.


IES 24 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
American Lighting Association Annual Conference
SALC IES – Street & Area Lighting Conference
DLC Controls Summit
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