Effective Sales Presentation Skills Zoom Learning Session by Bill Attardi

This is about giving an effective sales presentation to a group of customers and closing that sale.  Not as easy as it sounds.  Had the great pleasure to be a speaker at a recent Amerlux sales meeting here in New Jersey when I presented this topic. Went well and now we are offering it to the general public.  Here’s the offer and as someone once said, an offer you just cannot refuse.  IT’S FREE!  Yes, we plan on providing three (3), 30-minute Zoom learning sessions at no charge.  It’s the start of something BIG!  When?  Here it is:

May 2, May 9, May 16, 2023 at noon EST Register here

We plan on recording the sessions so if you miss any, you can connect whenever you want. But you have to register in advance.  Instructions to follow…

First 30-minute session on May 2 to cover:

  1. Preparation Strategy – The Will to Prepare to Win
  • Come fully prepared…
  • Always start with knowing your audience / customer
  • Why You?
  • What is Your Objective
  • The Power of PowerPoint: Verbal & Visuals working together
  • Fundamentals of Effective Visuals – Visual Esperanto
  • Effective use of color to connect with your audience
  • Creative Opening / Meaningful Content / Compelling Close
  • Create closing slide first – all roads then lead to your destination

Second 30-minute session on May 9 to cover:

  1. Presentation Strategy – Bring to the meeting something no one else knows…
  • It’s always a Selling Situation
  • Connect with your audience
  • What is your Call to Action
  • Rationale to take that action / reasoning
  • Project the attitude of your audience
  1. Organizing the Presentation – FFAB (Features / Functions / Advantages / Benefits)
  • Create clear / thought starter slides – six by six rule
  • Creative Opening – your first impression
  • Meaningful Content – relevant to your audience
  • Compelling Close – lasting impression
  • Say it with color
  • Create a climate for learning

Third 30-minute session on May 16 to cover:

  1. Techniques in Presenting – When you stop getting better, you stop being good
  • Plan & Promote Interaction
  • Eye contact – you are talking to individuals that happen to be in a group
  • Be clear on the process and Get Confirmation
  • Confirm understanding on a continuing basis
  • Re-enforce the need to continue the process
  • Project Acceptance and Handle Resistance
  1. Personal Delivery – Mechanics of Communicating Effectively Orally
  • The Audience – maintain control
  • Your Body – commanding positioning
  • Your Voice – clear / articulate / no verbal distractions
  • Room set-up…..proper lighting and 45° angle to your audience
  • Audience reads left to right – you stand on their left; slides on their right

Commitment: you will confirm some of what you already know and you will learn something new about giving an effective sales presentation to close those sales that are so important that you are asked to address a group of customers.

Bill Attardi served three years in the US Army Security Agency (ASA), then started his career in the lighting industry joining Westinghouse Lamp as a salesman in New York City.  What’s that song: “if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere”.  Well, learning to sell in NYC led to executive positions with Westinghouse, Philips, USI Lighting, and part-owner in Wellmade Products. In 1994, he founded Attardi Marketing, a strategic marketing consulting and training company. EnergyWatch was a widely successful blog series started by Bill, then renamed EnergyWatch News in 2000.  It has evolved into a comprehensive knowledge, product and news resource for the dynamic electronic energy industry. In 2019, EnergyWatch joined Randy Reid’s EdisonReport to continue to serve the industry.

He serves on various industry and educational Boards. He has an MBA in marketing and is an Adjunct Professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey, teaching graduate and undergraduate marketing and management courses for over 20 years. As he likes to say, I live to teach.…. not just at Monmouth University but in the lighting industry as well for over 50 years.  His very first management title when he worked for Westinghouse Lamp in 1970 was Sales Training Manager.  That’s when the passion for teaching started…been teaching ever since.

Register here



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